Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today's projects

I think my goal should be to post once a month, eh?

Today I finished up a few projects that I've been working on.

My sister Tracy bought the pattern for these cute little Father's Day blocks, so we mass-produced them for her Primary class of 7, my class of 11, and my niece's class off 6. So, if your kid is in my Primary class - they will be bringing one of these home in a few weeks! It was practically free to make, I just had to buy the little clothespins.

And this is my bag for card swap this month. I fell in love with the paper and had to have it. It was fun this month to make a bag instead of a card, but lots more work (and $$). I'm excited to see the 8 bags I get back!

1 comment:

Ford Fam said...

Yours was by far my favorite bag, i loved it!